Squirrel's Wish Star Yarn Cutter makes cutting Couturier yarn fun



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merry[フェリシモメリーポイント]|クチュリエ 糸を切るのが楽しくなる リスの願い星ヤーンカッター
merry[フェリシモメリーポイント]|クチュリエ 糸を切るのが楽しくなる リスの願い星ヤーンカッター|「Wish」のテーマに合わせ、いつものボタンの代わりに星を抱えています。
merry[フェリシモメリーポイント]|クチュリエ 糸を切るのが楽しくなる リスの願い星ヤーンカッター|星についている刃で糸をカットできます。
merry[フェリシモメリーポイント]|クチュリエ 糸を切るのが楽しくなる リスの願い星ヤーンカッター|ボールチェーン付きなのでポーチの持ち手につけても。
merry[フェリシモメリーポイント]|クチュリエ 糸を切るのが楽しくなる リスの願い星ヤーンカッター|お手持ちのリボンや革ひもに変えてもOK。
In keeping with the "Wish" theme, she is holding a star instead of the usual button.
You can cut the thread with the blade on the star.
It comes with a ball chain so you can attach it to the handle of a pouch.
Feel free to use your own ribbon or leather cord instead.
About exchanging Merry Point
●Please check the amount of Merry Point you have before applying.
● Merry Point that are scheduled to be issued cannot be used in the exchange.
●Exchanged gifts cannot be exchanged or returned unless they are defective.
●Please note that the design of the gift may be changed or we may not be able to deliver it due to production reasons.
About exchanging Merry Point
●Please check the amount of Merry Point you have before applying.
● Merry Point that are scheduled to be issued cannot be used in the exchange.
●Exchanged gifts cannot be exchanged or returned unless they are defective.
●Please note that the design of the gift may be changed or we may not be able to deliver it due to production reasons.

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About this item

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    This is a pre-order item that will be delivered within the period indicated.

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