Overpants with a pelvic belt to tighten tightly by layering


Price ¥2,585

  • Monthly BOX
  • Rotation Collection


  • M
  • L
  • LL
  • 3L

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flufeel[フラフィール]|重ねばきでキュッと引き締め 骨盤ベルト付きオーバーパンツの会|パワーネット内蔵の太幅ベルト。はくだけで骨盤まわりにフィット。そけい部に食い込みにくい丈感。
flufeel[フラフィール]|重ねばきでキュッと引き締め 骨盤ベルト付きオーバーパンツの会|〈ショコラピンク〉
flufeel[フラフィール]|重ねばきでキュッと引き締め 骨盤ベルト付きオーバーパンツの会|〈ミントレモン〉
flufeel[フラフィール]|重ねばきでキュッと引き締め 骨盤ベルト付きオーバーパンツの会|〈ブルーベリー〉
flufeel[フラフィール]|重ねばきでキュッと引き締め 骨盤ベルト付きオーバーパンツの会|BACK ベルトは縫い付けられているのでずれにくく、着脱もらくちん。
flufeel[フラフィール]|重ねばきでキュッと引き締め 骨盤ベルト付きオーバーパンツの会|タイトなスカートのインにぴったり!
flufeel[フラフィール]|重ねばきでキュッと引き締め 骨盤ベルト付きオーバーパンツの会
Thick belt with built-in power net. Just put it on and it fits around your pelvis. The length makes it difficult to dig into the groin.
<chocolate pink>
<Mint Lemon>
The BACK belt is sewn so it stays in place and is easy to put on and take off.
Perfect for wearing tight skirts!

Size chart

Product SizeMLLL3L
Total length (approx./cm)32.53435.537

About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • Rotation Collection

    Different design or colors in a collection shown in the web pages are delivered in sequence.

    * Unlike the Japanese market, there is no Automatic Continual Order. One different colors or designs in the Collection is delivered upon the order.
    After receiving the product, you can place an order again to collect a different design from the series.
    * Please leave the order of delivery to Felissimo.
    *The sequence rotates thereafter, although not necessarily in the same order.

    Rotation Collection
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