
I feel like I'm training every day.


Price ¥2,475 ¥2,640

  • Monthly BOX
  • Rotation Collection
  • Discount
  • 3回エントリー


  • M
  • L
  • LL
  • 3L

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flufeel[フラフィール]|毎日トレーニング気分 はいて歩いて内ももほっそり ボトムの会|ひざ上のお肉もすっきりおさまるほどよい丈で、くい込みにくい仕様に。
flufeel[フラフィール]|毎日トレーニング気分 はいて歩いて内ももほっそり ボトムの会|〈ピンク〉
flufeel[フラフィール]|毎日トレーニング気分 はいて歩いて内ももほっそり ボトムの会|上から〈ピンク〉〈グレー〉〈パープル〉の3色展開。
flufeel[フラフィール]|毎日トレーニング気分 はいて歩いて内ももほっそり ボトムの会|【BACK】立体設計&パワーネットで、丸くきれいなヒップライン。
flufeel[フラフィール]|毎日トレーニング気分 はいて歩いて内ももほっそり ボトムの会|【正面】おなかは締め付けがないのでらくらく。内ももから外側にかけて筋肉の流れに対して逆方向に働きかけるパワーネットを配置。
flufeel[フラフィール]|毎日トレーニング気分 はいて歩いて内ももほっそり ボトムの会|【背面】はいて歩くことでほどよい負荷が得られ、自然にトレーニングしている気分に。
flufeel[フラフィール]|毎日トレーニング気分 はいて歩いて内ももほっそり ボトムの会
flufeel[フラフィール]|毎日トレーニング気分 はいて歩いて内ももほっそり ボトムの会
flufeel[フラフィール]|毎日トレーニング気分 はいて歩いて内ももほっそり ボトムの会|スキニーパンツで実感。すき間が出現! ※使用感・効果には個人差があります。
The length is just right so that the meat above your knees can fit neatly, and it is difficult to get into.
From top to bottom, it comes in three colors: pink, gray, and purple.
[BACK] The three-dimensional design and power net create a round and beautiful hip line.
[Front] The stomach is easy because there is no tightening. A power net is placed to work in the opposite direction to the flow of muscles from the inner thigh to the outer side.
[Back] By wearing and walking, you can get the right amount of load and feel like you are training naturally.
Feel it with skinny pants. A gap appears! * There are individual differences in usability and effects.

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About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • Rotation Collection

    Different design or colors in a collection shown in the web pages are delivered in sequence.

    * Unlike the Japanese market, there is no Automatic Continual Order. One different colors or designs in the Collection is delivered upon the order.
    After receiving the product, you can place an order again to collect a different design from the series.
    * Please leave the order of delivery to Felissimo.
    *The sequence rotates thereafter, although not necessarily in the same order.

    Rotation Collection
  • special offer

    It is an item that you can purchase at a great price.

  • 3回エントリー

    When multiple subscription products are ordered, they will be ordered based on the number indicated on the product page.

    * Automatic Continual Order is the same as in the Japanese market. Cancellation of the order is not permitted.
    *These subscription patterns may only be paid using international credit cards. (Do not accept Alipay and Paypal payments)
    * Additional quantities of the same product number cannot be accepted during the product order period. (Except for One-pattern products)

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