The design and color pattern that will be delivered once for Limited Collection is the same.
Reservation products (Multiple Subscription, times entry number of times, Period Subscription) will be delivered with automatically changing the design every month for the number of times of guidance with one order. See here for details.

"Beginner-timer's basics" Sewing first-aid kit for daily life Needlework lesson meeting


One set ¥2,420

  • Monthly BOX
  • Limited Collection
  • Beginner
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Couturier[クチュリエ]|「はじめてさんのきほんのき」 暮らしのお裁縫救急箱 針仕事レッスンの会|バッグの持ち手がすり切れた〜 手縫いでかわいく直せた! シャツの袖の開きが大きい〜(ボタンも取れそう) 便利アイテムでサクッと直せた!
Couturier[クチュリエ]|「はじめてさんのきほんのき」 暮らしのお裁縫救急箱 針仕事レッスンの会|お役立ちお裁縫アイテムがこんなに揃う。6ヵ月目で作るきんちゃくに全部収納できます。
Couturier[クチュリエ]|「はじめてさんのきほんのき」 暮らしのお裁縫救急箱 針仕事レッスンの会|●1回分のお届けキット例です。
Couturier[クチュリエ]|「はじめてさんのきほんのき」 暮らしのお裁縫救急箱 針仕事レッスンの会|練習クロスを貼って、ファイリング。いざというときに見返しやすい台紙付き。※バインダーは別売です。
Couturier[クチュリエ]|「はじめてさんのきほんのき」 暮らしのお裁縫救急箱 針仕事レッスンの会|1ヵ月目 糸がほつれた!:なみ縫い、返し縫い、半返し縫い、コの字とじ、巻きかがり、ブランケットステッチなど、基本の縫い方
Couturier[クチュリエ]|「はじめてさんのきほんのき」 暮らしのお裁縫救急箱 針仕事レッスンの会|2ヵ月目 ボタンがとれた!:四つ穴ボタン・二つ穴ボタン・足つきボタン・力ボタンの付け方、ワンタッチプラスナップの使い方
Couturier[クチュリエ]|「はじめてさんのきほんのき」 暮らしのお裁縫救急箱 針仕事レッスンの会|3ヵ月目 服のサイズ問題!:すそ上げの仕方、スナップボタン・カギホックの付け方、タックとダーツのサイズ調節の仕方
Couturier[クチュリエ]|「はじめてさんのきほんのき」 暮らしのお裁縫救急箱 針仕事レッスンの会|4ヵ月目 服が傷んだ!:穴あきに丸いパッチ、ゼッケン付けにも使える四角パッチ、刺し子で補強、ダーニング、しみ隠しステッチ
Couturier[クチュリエ]|「はじめてさんのきほんのき」 暮らしのお裁縫救急箱 針仕事レッスンの会|5ヵ月目 布バッグが傷んだ!:バイアステープでふちの補強、持ち手の補修、つりポケットを作る、バッグ口を止める
Couturier[クチュリエ]|「はじめてさんのきほんのき」 暮らしのお裁縫救急箱 針仕事レッスンの会|6ヵ月目 実践! きんちゃくとピンクッションを作ろう!:最終月は習得した針仕事の総集編。
The handle of the bag was worn out~ I fixed it cutely by hand sewing! The opening of the sleeves of the shirt is large (the button seems to come off).
There are so many useful sewing items. All can be stored in a drawstring bag made in the 6th month.
●This is an example of a one-time delivery kit.
Attach a practice cloth and file. Comes with a mount that makes it easy to look back in case of emergency. *Binder is sold separately.
1st month Thread frayed! : Basic sewing methods such as regular stitches, reverse stitches, half reverse stitches, U-shaped stitches, overlock stitches, blanket stitches, etc.
2nd month The button came off! : How to attach four-hole button, two-hole button, foot button, power button, how to use one-touch plus snap
3rd month Clothes size problem! : How to raise the hem, how to attach snap buttons and key hooks, how to adjust the size of tucks and darts
4th month My clothes are damaged! : Round patch with hole, square patch that can be used for bibs, reinforcement with sashiko, darning, stain concealing stitch
5th month The cloth bag is damaged! : Use bias tape to reinforce edges, repair handles, create hanging Pocket, and close bag opening
6th month practice! Let's make a kinchaku and a pincushion! : The last month is a summary of the needlework I learned.

Size chart

About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • Limited Collection

    The number of products in the collection is shown in the symbol. The collection is complete when all the products are delivered.

    ※ Unlike the Japanese market, there is no Automatic Continual Order. One different colors or designs in the Collection is delivered upon the order.
    After receiving the product, you can place an order again to collect a different design from the series.
    ※ Please leave the order of delivery to FELISSIMO.

    Limited Collection
  • Beginner

    Handmade is the level I learned in home economics class. This item is for those who want to learn from the basics. (Beginner kit)

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