The design and color pattern that will be delivered once for Limited Collection is the same.
Reservation products (Multiple Subscription, times entry number of times, Period Subscription) will be delivered with automatically changing the design every month for the number of times of guidance with one order. See here for details.

YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会


Price ¥2,970

  • Monthly BOX
  • Limited Collection
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YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会|ゼリーポンチ
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会|ゼリーワイン
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会|夜会のゼリーポンチ
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会|マスカラやリップを立ててしまえて、出し入れしやすい。
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会|上から見てもゼリーたっぷり。チェリーはビーズで再現。
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会|裏面には喫茶ソワレのロゴ入り。
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会|ぶどうのレリーフの彫刻や美術品が飾られた店内。
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 喫茶ソワレをいつでも愉(たの)しむ ゼリーの誘惑ポーチの会
Jelly punch
Jelly Wine
Evening Party Jelly Punch
Mascara and lipstick can be stored upright, making them easy to take out and put back in.
It's filled with jelly even when viewed from above. The cherries are made with beads.
The back has the Cafe Soiree logo.
The interior of the store is decorated with grape relief sculptures and art pieces.

Size chart

About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • Limited Collection

    The number of products in the collection is shown in the symbol. The collection is complete when all the products are delivered.

    ※ Unlike the Japanese market, there is no Automatic Continual Order. One different colors or designs in the Collection is delivered upon the order.
    After receiving the product, you can place an order again to collect a different design from the series.
    ※ Please leave the order of delivery to FELISSIMO.

    Limited Collection
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