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YOU+ Sea and seagull club YOU+MORE!


Price ¥2,360

  • Monthly BOX
  • Limited Collection
  • Fund Included
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YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! × 海とかもめ部 応援したくなるアオウミガメの赤ちゃんのぬいぐるみポーチの会
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! × 海とかもめ部 応援したくなるアオウミガメの赤ちゃんのぬいぐるみポーチの会|〈バタバタ〉 よく腕を上げてバタバタしちゃう からだは卵の中に入ったまま、腕をバタバタさせる姿もPIPのかわいいポイント。
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! × 海とかもめ部 応援したくなるアオウミガメの赤ちゃんのぬいぐるみポーチの会|〈ひょっこり〉
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! × 海とかもめ部 応援したくなるアオウミガメの赤ちゃんのぬいぐるみポーチの会|〈ひと休み〉 腕に白丸のうろこがある 生まれたときから腕にある、白く縁取られた大小さまざまなうろこの模様も表現。
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! × 海とかもめ部 応援したくなるアオウミガメの赤ちゃんのぬいぐるみポーチの会|手のりサイズ 実際の子ガメと卵よりひとまわり大きい、手のひらにすっぽり収まるサイズ感。
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! × 海とかもめ部 応援したくなるアオウミガメの赤ちゃんのぬいぐるみポーチの会|ツンとした愛らしいくちばし 鼻の下の刺しゅうは、子ガメの特徴である卵を割るためにツン!ととがっているくちばしのような角を表現。
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! × 海とかもめ部 応援したくなるアオウミガメの赤ちゃんのぬいぐるみポーチの会|ちょこっと入ります 後ろのファスナーから見失いがちな小物を入れられます。
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! × 海とかもめ部 応援したくなるアオウミガメの赤ちゃんのぬいぐるみポーチの会
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! × 海とかもめ部 応援したくなるアオウミガメの赤ちゃんのぬいぐるみポーチの会|この姿を再現 実際の子ガメのPIPの様子をパシャリ。頭をひょっこり出したところを激写!
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! × 海とかもめ部 応援したくなるアオウミガメの赤ちゃんのぬいぐるみポーチの会
〈Flapping〉 He often raises his arms and flaps around. Another cute feature of PIP is the way he flaps his arms while his body is inside the egg.
<Take a break> There are white round scales on the arms.The white-rimmed scales of various sizes, which have been on the arms since birth, are also expressed.
Hand size: It is slightly larger than an actual baby turtle and egg, and fits comfortably in the palm of your hand.
Adorable and sharp beak The embroidery under the nose is a characteristic of hatchlings for breaking eggs! Represents a sharp beak-like horn.
It fits a little.You can put small items that are often lost through the zipper on the back.
Recreate this appearance A quick look at an actual baby turtle's PIP. A great photo of the place where the head sticks out!


Thinking about the future of sea turtles with the staff of Ogasawara Marine Center

A collaboration between "YOU+MORE", a miscellaneous goods brand that will make you laugh, "Sea and seagull club", and Ogasawara Marine Center! In fact, it is a sea turtle shrouded in mystery. We have created an item that is full of attention to detail so that you can always feel its attractive appearance close to you.

baby green turtle pouch


``When a baby sea turtle breaks its shell and comes out, it's called a ``PIP,'' and it's so cute!'' We want as many people as possible to know about this stuffed toy that can hold small items. I made it into a pouch.







Particular point 1: There are white round scales on the arms.

The pattern of scales of various sizes with white edges that have been on his arms since he was born is also reproduced.


The arrangement of the scales on the head is also reproduced.


Special point 2: Adorable sharp beak

The embroidery under the nose is for breaking eggs, which is a characteristic of hatchlings! Represents a sharp beak-like horn.


Particular point 3: He often raises his arms and flaps around.

Another cute feature of PIP is the way it flaps its arms while its body remains inside the egg.


A glimpse of an actual baby turtle's PIP. A great photo of the place where the head sticks out! I reproduced this appearance.


It is slightly larger than the actual baby turtle and egg, and fits comfortably in the palm of your hand.


You can put small items in through the zipper on the back.


``Sea turtles are actually creatures that we still don't know much about.'' So says Tomoyo Kitayama, who is involved in sea turtle research and conservation activities at the Ogasawara Islands Marine Center, a world natural heritage site. Sea turtles warm the hearts of many people with their adorable appearance, but they are still unknown creatures shrouded in mystery. Although their numbers declined dramatically due to overhunting during the Meiji era, their numbers have been increasing little by little in recent years.


"There are seven types of sea turtles inhabiting the world, but six of them are endangered. Many of their detailed ecology is not yet understood, and their lifespans are still unknown." Cranes live for a thousand years, turtles live for a million years. "As the word has been used for a long time, it is a creature that symbolizes longevity, but it is unknown how long it lives." By the way, there is a record that a giant tortoise captured by a French explorer lived for 152 years. "Also, after hatching on the beach, hatchlings migrate across vast oceans for many years before returning to the beach where they were born to lay their eggs again. How do they know their correct location? The mechanism behind this is also shrouded in mystery."


The sea turtle pouch created this time is the result of Mr. Kitayama's desire to help people learn more about the cuteness of these mysterious sea turtles. ``When a baby sea turtle breaks its shell and comes out, it's called a ``PIP,'' and the way it looks is so adorable.'' We made it so that it can fit.” I want people to know the charm of sea turtles. And if that becomes an opportunity for you to become more familiar with environmental issues... The pouch was born from this idea and has a cuteness that can be used to soothe your daily life just by placing it on your desk.


Activities and thoughts of Ogasawara Marine Center

``We want to support the ocean's inherent resilience.'' The Ogasawara Marine Center was established in 1982 with the aim of conserving sea turtles and other creatures on the Ogasawara Islands. We focus on supporting the ocean's inherent resilience, or its inherent power, and carry out activities to remove human factors that affect living things. We also hold experiential programs that allow visitors to get up close and personal with sea turtles, such as cleaning their shells, feeding them, and releasing hatched turtles into the ocean.



“To prevent the Ogasawara sea turtles from becoming extinct”
The Ogasawara Islands are Japan's largest breeding area for green sea turtles. However, due to overhunting that continued for many years, the number of nesting sea turtles on the Ogasawara Islands has drastically decreased, and from 1994 a limit on the number of sea turtles caught was put in place. In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, the Marine Center is monitoring the number of sea turtles visiting and the number of baby sea turtles being born. We are also focusing on avoiding crisis situations and raising about 300 animals a year.


``Learn about the ecology of sea turtles and care about the future of the ocean.'' After hatching, baby sea turtles have a tendency to move towards brighter things. Since the coast is adjacent to the city, some baby turtles may get lost on the road. At the Marine Center, we carry out "artificial hatching and stocking" in which fish are released at night from the coast where they are less affected by light, to protect biodiversity. If you become interested in the ecology of sea turtles, you will definitely become more familiar with the ocean than you are now. We started planning this fund-backed product in hopes of helping with that.


Ogasawara Marine Center
In order to contribute to the conservation of Ogasawara's creatures, including green sea turtles, the Tokyo Metropolitan Marine Environment Conservation Foundation
Established in April 1982 by all associations. It has been carried out by the certified NPO Everlasting Nature (ELNA) since April 2006 and continues to this day. It is affectionately known as the "Turtle Center" on the island, and is widely used by people both inside and outside the island as a place to disseminate information, educate, and interact.


The Sea Fund that Sea and seagull club is working on

FELISSIMO 's club activity `` Sea and seagull club'' is a gathering of people who love the sea. With the goal of ``enjoying the ocean while keeping it clean,'' we support ocean research and beach cleanup activities through the development of products with ocean funds. The Sea Fund also makes contributions to support sea turtle conservation activities. By purchasing collaboration items with the Ogasa Marine Center, you can participate in supporting activities to protect sea turtles.



Thinking about the future of sea turtles with the staff of Ogasawara Marine Center

A collaboration between "YOU+MORE", a miscellaneous goods brand that will make you laugh, "Sea and seagull club", and Ogasawara Marine Center! In fact, it is a sea turtle shrouded in mystery. We have created an item that is full of attention to detail so that you can always feel its attractive appearance close to you.

baby green turtle pouch


``When a baby sea turtle breaks its shell and comes out, it's called a ``PIP,'' and it's so cute!'' We want as many people as possible to know about this stuffed toy that can hold small items. I made it into a pouch.







Particular point 1: There are white round scales on the arms.

The pattern of scales of various sizes with white edges that have been on his arms since he was born is also reproduced.


The arrangement of the scales on the head is also reproduced.


Special point 2: Adorable sharp beak

The embroidery under the nose is for breaking eggs, which is a characteristic of hatchlings! Represents a sharp beak-like horn.


Particular point 3: He often raises his arms and flaps around.

Another cute feature of PIP is the way it flaps its arms while its body remains inside the egg.


A glimpse of an actual baby turtle's PIP. A great photo of the place where the head sticks out! I reproduced this appearance.


It is slightly larger than the actual baby turtle and egg, and fits comfortably in the palm of your hand.


You can put small items in through the zipper on the back.


``Sea turtles are actually creatures that we still don't know much about.'' So says Tomoyo Kitayama, who is involved in sea turtle research and conservation activities at the Ogasawara Islands Marine Center, a world natural heritage site. Sea turtles warm the hearts of many people with their adorable appearance, but they are still unknown creatures shrouded in mystery. Although their numbers declined dramatically due to overhunting during the Meiji era, their numbers have been increasing little by little in recent years.


"There are seven types of sea turtles inhabiting the world, but six of them are endangered. Many of their detailed ecology is not yet understood, and their lifespans are still unknown." Cranes live for a thousand years, turtles live for a million years. "As the word has been used for a long time, it is a creature that symbolizes longevity, but it is unknown how long it lives." By the way, there is a record that a giant tortoise captured by a French explorer lived for 152 years. "Also, after hatching on the beach, hatchlings migrate across vast oceans for many years before returning to the beach where they were born to lay their eggs again. How do they know their correct location? The mechanism behind this is also shrouded in mystery."


The sea turtle pouch created this time is the result of Mr. Kitayama's desire to help people learn more about the cuteness of these mysterious sea turtles. ``When a baby sea turtle breaks its shell and comes out, it's called a ``PIP,'' and the way it looks is so adorable.'' We made it so that it can fit.” I want people to know the charm of sea turtles. And if that becomes an opportunity for you to become more familiar with environmental issues... The pouch was born from this idea and has a cuteness that can be used to soothe your daily life just by placing it on your desk.


Activities and thoughts of Ogasawara Marine Center

``We want to support the ocean's inherent resilience.'' The Ogasawara Marine Center was established in 1982 with the aim of conserving sea turtles and other creatures on the Ogasawara Islands. We focus on supporting the ocean's inherent resilience, or its inherent power, and carry out activities to remove human factors that affect living things. We also hold experiential programs that allow visitors to get up close and personal with sea turtles, such as cleaning their shells, feeding them, and releasing hatched turtles into the ocean.



“To prevent the Ogasawara sea turtles from becoming extinct”
The Ogasawara Islands are Japan's largest breeding area for green sea turtles. However, due to overhunting that continued for many years, the number of nesting sea turtles on the Ogasawara Islands has drastically decreased, and from 1994 a limit on the number of sea turtles caught was put in place. In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, the Marine Center is monitoring the number of sea turtles visiting and the number of baby sea turtles being born. We are also focusing on avoiding crisis situations and raising about 300 animals a year.


``Learn about the ecology of sea turtles and care about the future of the ocean.'' After hatching, baby sea turtles have a tendency to move towards brighter things. Since the coast is adjacent to the city, some baby turtles may get lost on the road. At the Marine Center, we carry out "artificial hatching and stocking" in which fish are released at night from the coast where they are less affected by light, to protect biodiversity. If you become interested in the ecology of sea turtles, you will definitely become more familiar with the ocean than you are now. We started planning this fund-backed product in hopes of helping with that.


Ogasawara Marine Center
In order to contribute to the conservation of Ogasawara's creatures, including green sea turtles, the Tokyo Metropolitan Marine Environment Conservation Foundation
Established in April 1982 by all associations. It has been carried out by the certified NPO Everlasting Nature (ELNA) since April 2006 and continues to this day. It is affectionately known as the "Turtle Center" on the island, and is widely used by people both inside and outside the island as a place to disseminate information, educate, and interact.


The Sea Fund that Sea and seagull club is working on

FELISSIMO 's club activity `` Sea and seagull club'' is a gathering of people who love the sea. With the goal of ``enjoying the ocean while keeping it clean,'' we support ocean research and beach cleanup activities through the development of products with ocean funds. The Sea Fund also makes contributions to support sea turtle conservation activities. By purchasing collaboration items with the Ogasa Marine Center, you can participate in supporting activities to protect sea turtles.


Size chart

About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • Limited Collection

    The number of products in the collection is shown in the symbol. The collection is complete when all the products are delivered.

    ※ Unlike the Japanese market, there is no Automatic Continual Order. One different colors or designs in the Collection is delivered upon the order.
    After receiving the product, you can place an order again to collect a different design from the series.
    ※ Please leave the order of delivery to FELISSIMO.

    Limited Collection
  • With fund

    A portion of the price will be used as a fund.

    Fund Included
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