YOU+MORE! Egg→Chick→Adult!? King Penguin 3 Transforming Plushies


1 piece ¥3,300

  • Monthly BOX
  • Just One
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YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 卵→ヒナ→成鳥に!?  オウサマペンギン3変化ぬいぐるみ|こちらなんと! 3種類に変身するぬいぐるみなんです
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 卵→ヒナ→成鳥に!?  オウサマペンギン3変化ぬいぐるみ|ちょこんと手のひらサイズ
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 卵→ヒナ→成鳥に!?  オウサマペンギン3変化ぬいぐるみ|裏側にファスナーがあるよ。卵は実物とほぼ同じサイズ!
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 卵→ヒナ→成鳥に!?  オウサマペンギン3変化ぬいぐるみ|クルッとひっくり返すとヒナが!
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 卵→ヒナ→成鳥に!?  オウサマペンギン3変化ぬいぐるみ|ヒナにはふたつのファスナーがあるよ
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 卵→ヒナ→成鳥に!?  オウサマペンギン3変化ぬいぐるみ|クルッとひっくり返すとオウサマペンギンが!
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 卵→ヒナ→成鳥に!?  オウサマペンギン3変化ぬいぐるみ|つばさの内側もリアルなプリント
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 卵→ヒナ→成鳥に!?  オウサマペンギン3変化ぬいぐるみ|卵から生まれる途中でとめてもかわいい!
YOU+MORE![ユーモア]|YOU+MORE! 卵→ヒナ→成鳥に!?  オウサマペンギン3変化ぬいぐるみ|ループにお手持ちのボールチェーンを通せば一緒にお出かけも!
Here it is! It's a stuffed toy that transforms into 3 types.
Palm size
There is a zipper on the back side. Eggs are almost the same size as the real thing!
Flip it over and a chick will appear!
Hina has two zippers
If you flip it over, you'll see a king penguin!
Realistic print on the inside of the wings
It's cute even if you stop in the middle of being born from an egg!
If you pass your own ball chain through the loop, you can go out together!

Size chart

About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • Just One

    There is only 1 design for this collection. The same product will be delivered upon ordering
    Just One
  • Project changed

    It is an item that changed the plan content.

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