Member registration

Please enter the information below in English.

General Information

  •  Please enter your name in capital letters and put a space between your first and last name.
We accept customers who are over 16 years old to register to be our members. (Customers who are under 16 years old, please register via guardian information.)


  • Please select your country / area.
  • Please abbreviate the address due to word restrictions. Commas are not allowed.
  • For English address registration, please register the address translated with google translate in uppercase half-width alphanumeric characters. Customers in Taiwan can refer to the English translation of the Chinese address provided by Chunghwa Post. Or contact the customer center.
  • If you have a postal code, please select according to the input assistance.
  • Please select according to the input assistance.
  • Required to fill in only for countries with regions. Please enter uppercase half-width alphanumeric characters.
  • Only for countries with states, please select according to the input assistance.

We apologize to customers who used our hold service for any inconvenience caused.


We deeply apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Contact method

  • Please enter in half-width alphanumeric characters. Example:
  • Please register an e-mail address whose domain is not, as the e-mail may not be delivered.
We will deliver information such as new product launches, advantageous sales, and coupons.
  • 国コードを除いてご登録ください。台湾在住の方はEZ WAYと同じ電話番号を入力ください。

LOGIN ID and password

  • LOGIN ID must be 4 or more characters, single-byte alphanumeric characters. Only hyphens and underscores are allowed.
  • The password can be from 8 to 12 letters/numbers. Punctuation is not accepted.
Terms ServicePlease be sure to check the Privacy Policy and ".
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