Utsukubigokumon Club x Cat Club Community Cat Charity T-shirt


1枚 ¥3,030

  • Express BOX & Pre-order
  • Fund Included


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realstock [リアルストック](Express BOX)|打首獄門同好会×猫部 地域猫チャリティーTシャツ
realstock [リアルストック](Express BOX)|打首獄門同好会×猫部 地域猫チャリティーTシャツ
realstock [リアルストック](Express BOX)|打首獄門同好会×猫部 地域猫チャリティーTシャツ
realstock [リアルストック](Express BOX)|打首獄門同好会×猫部 地域猫チャリティーTシャツ
realstock [リアルストック](Express BOX)|打首獄門同好会×猫部 地域猫チャリティーTシャツ
realstock [リアルストック](Express BOX)|打首獄門同好会×猫部 地域猫チャリティーTシャツ|野良猫に不妊去勢手術をほどこし、エサやりの管理や、ふん尿の掃除などを地域で連携して行い、野良猫の数とトラブルを減らしていく取り組みが「地域猫活動」です。その一環として、野良猫を保護して不妊去勢手術をほどこし地域で見守るTNR(Trap:保護、Newter:不妊去勢手術、Return:地域にもどす)活動、さらに終生の里親さんを探すTNTA(後ろ2文字はTame:人に慣らす、Adopt:譲渡)活動も猫部は応援しています。
"Community cat activity" is an initiative to reduce the number of stray cats and troubles by sterilizing and neutering stray cats, managing feeding, cleaning up excrement, etc. in cooperation with the community. As part of this, TNR (Trap: Protection, Newter: Sterilization/Sterilization, Return: Return to the community) activities to protect stray cats and perform spay/neuter operations in the community, and TNTA (the last two letters are to search for foster parents for the rest of their lives). Tame: Get used to people, Adopt: Transfer) activities are also supported by the cat club.

Size chart

■ Size12345
Reference sizeWomen's SWomen's MWomen's L/Men's SMen's MMen's L
Bust/chest (cm)72~8079~8786~94/80~8888~9696~104
Height (cm)154~162154~162154~162165~175175~185
Width (approx./cm)4750535659
Total length (approx./cm)6770737577

About this item

  • Express BOX & Pre-order

    This is an [Express BOX] product that will be delivered in about 5 to 12 business days after the order is placed, or a [Pre-order] product that will be delivered at a specified time.

    Express BOX & Pre-order
  • With fund

    A portion of the price will be used as a fund.

    Fund Included
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