Easy bulk purchase of L'AMIPLUS! Register bag rucksack <dot jacquard>


1 piece ¥4,950

  • Express BOX & Pre-order


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realstock [リアルストック](Express BOX)|ラミプリュス 大量買いもらくらく! レジカゴリュック〈ドットジャカード〉|両手が使えるので自転車もOK。
<khaki gray>
It's a large capacity, so you can buy a lot.
Squeeze the mouth with the strings on both sides.
Just take it out of the register and close the top zipper OK!
With Pocket that can store the shoulder strap for the back backpack.
Casually cute jacquard dot pattern on high-density nylon material.
The charm point of the planner is the pull that is large and easy to pull!
If you connect a key with a reel to the D-ring in the front Pocket, you can easily take it out.
If you hang it like a hammock, you can carry large items such as outdoor equipment and leisure goods.
If you put your handle on the headrest of the car, your luggage will not roll even on brakes or curves.
Since both hands can be used, a bicycle is also OK.

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  • Express BOX & Pre-order

    This is an [Express BOX] product that will be delivered in about 5 to 12 business days after the order is placed, or a [Pre-order] product that will be delivered at a specified time.

    Express BOX & Pre-order
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