Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q. I liked the designs of the products I received in the previous delivery of Monthly BOX, so I ordered two this time. Will I receive the same design as last time? Or will I receive something different?

We will deliver a design different from the previous product. If you apply for 2 items at once, you will receive 2 products with the same color, pattern, and design.

Monthly BOX will deliver different colors and designs every time except for "Just One" and "One-pattern" products.
If you order more than one, they will all be delivered in the same color pattern and design. If you would like a different color pattern or design, please apply in a different month.

If you order more than one of the same product in different sizes, we will basically deliver it in the same color pattern and design, but if it is not available, we may deliver it in a different color pattern and design. note that. Please also see Delivery Pattern.
→ Click here Delivery Pattern

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