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space emergency kit


1 piece per month or Each time ¥2,198

  • Monthly BOX
  • Multiple Subscription
  • Fund Included
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MonthlyBOX|スペースエマージェンシーキット|ルームブーツ1組<BR> ■素材/ポリエステル100% 本体生地:ポリタフタ 底裏:ポリスエード 中わた:ポリ綿 ※洗濯不可 ■サイズ/全長約25cm <BR>※対応サイズ23〜26cm <BR>※JIS規格の耐踏み貫き規定【T8101】に準ずる値をクリアしています。<BR>※真下からの貫通防止を目的としていますので、上部や横からの突き刺しは防げません。
MonthlyBOX|スペースエマージェンシーキット|オフィスの防寒対策にぴったりのブーツは、JIS規格の底材を使った踏み貫き防止ブーツ。万が一、ガラスの破片などが床に散らばっていても、これを履けば安心です。足首までカバーしているので、裸足やスカートなど足もとが無防備な場合に、危険物が直接当たるのを防ぎます。履き口はひもで調節できて、足が小さくても脱げる心配なし !
MonthlyBOX|スペースエマージェンシーキット|ポシェット1個、カード1枚 ■素材/合成皮革 内側:ポリエステル100% 透明部分:塩化ビニル樹脂(非フタル酸系可塑剤) チャームパーツ:鉄 カード:紙 ■サイズ/縦約12cm、横約18.5cm(ファスナーの厚み含まず) ショルダーストラップの長さ:約69.5〜134.5cm(金具の長さ含まず・調整可)<BR>※縦約14cm、横約9cm、厚さ約1.5cm程度のスマートフォンに対応していますが、形状によっては収まらない場合があります。<BR>※機種によっては、タッチパネル操作に反応しない場合があります。
MonthlyBOX|スペースエマージェンシーキット|エアマット1個、アルミブランケット1枚、ストロー1本 ■素材/ポリエチレン、ポリアミド、アルミ蒸着PET ■サイズ/お届け時:縦約17.5cm、横約12.5cm、高さ約4cm エアマット(給気状態):縦約200cm、横約60cm、高さ約8cm、枕高さ約12cm、アルミブランケット:縦約200cm、横約130cm ■耐荷重(エアマット)/250kg
MonthlyBOX|スペースエマージェンシーキット|ブランケット1枚 ■素材/ポリエステル100%(防炎加工) ※洗濯機洗い可 ※洗濯により防炎効果は低下します。 ■サイズ/縦約70cm、横約130cm クッション時:縦約33cm、横約33cm、厚さ約8cm
MonthlyBOX|スペースエマージェンシーキット|ふだんはふんわりやわらかブランケットとして、ボタンを付けてクッションとして、お部屋やオフィスで大活躍。「もしも」のときは、落下物などの衝撃を軽減してくれる頭きんに変身! 火の粉が飛んでも燃え広がりにくい防炎加工素材
MonthlyBOX|スペースエマージェンシーキット|リュック1個 ■素材/ポリエチレン(不織布)、ポリエステル100% ■サイズ/縦約37.5cm、横約27cm、まち幅約15.5cm ■耐荷重/6.5kg
MonthlyBOX|スペースエマージェンシーキット|水タンク1個、軍手1組、笛付きキーホルダー1個 ■素材/低密度ポリエチレン、綿、ポリエステル、スチールなど ■サイズ/水タンク(収納時):縦約17cm、横約17cm、高さ約6cm 容量約5L 軍手:レディースフリーサイズ 笛付きキーホルダー:縦約13.5cm、横約5cm
MonthlyBOX|スペースエマージェンシーキット|ポンチョ1枚、ロープ1本 ■素材/ポリエステル100%(撥水(はっすい)加工) ロープ:ナイロン100% ※手洗い可(脱水・乾燥機不可) ■サイズ/総丈約90cm、ゆき丈約70cm(レディースS〜LL対応) 収納時:縦約16cm、横約22cm ロープ:長さ約200cm <BR>※撥水(はっすい)加工をほどこした素材を使用していますが、完全防水ではありませんので、強い雨や長時間の雨を完全にしのぐものではありません。 ※テントとして屋外での使用はできません。
MonthlyBOX|スペースエマージェンシーキット|LEDダイナモライト1個 ■素材/ABS樹脂 電球:LED リチウム充電池:3.6V  80mAh ■サイズ/長さ約17.5cm、直径約6.2cm
1 pair of room boots ■Material: 100% polyester Body fabric: Polytaffeta Sole lining: Polysuede Insulation: Polycotton *Not washable ■Size: Total length approx. It has cleared the value that conforms to the standard anti-push rule [T8101]. <BR> *It is intended to prevent penetration from directly below, so it cannot prevent piercing from the top or side.
Boots that are perfect for cold protection in the office are boots that use JIS standard soles to prevent treading. In the unlikely event that broken glass is scattered on the floor, you can rest assured by wearing this. Since it covers up to the ankles, it prevents direct contact with dangerous objects when the feet are unprotected, such as bare feet or skirts. The opening can be adjusted with a string, so you don't have to worry about it falling off even if your feet are small!
1 pochette, 1pc card Material: Synthetic leather Inside: 100% polyester Transparent part: PVC resin (non-phthalate plasticizer) Charm parts: Iron Card: Paper Size: Approximately 12cm long and 18.5cm wide ( 69.5 to 134.5 cm (not including the length of the metal fittings, adjustable) *Compatible with smartphones with a height of about 14 cm, a width of about 9 cm, and a thickness of about 1.5 cm. However, it may not fit depending on the shape. <BR> *Depending on the model, it may not respond to touch panel operations.
Assuming such a "what if", aiming for home while looking at the map on the smartphone. It prevents rain from directly hitting your smartphone and keeps your hands free, so it is safe. In addition to smartphones, money, first aid kits, chargers, and other items you need in the event of a disaster can be stored together. The design that the charm of the space shuttle aims to return to the earth will give you courage.
The smartphone pochette comes with an emergency card that can record contact information and meeting places.
1 air mattress, 1 aluminum blanket, 1 straw ■Materials: Polyethylene, polyamide, aluminum deposition PET ■Size: Approximately 17.5cm in length, 12.5cm in width, 4cm in height Air mattress (air supplied): Approximately 200cm in length, approximately 60cm in width, approximately 8cm in height, pillow height approximately 12cm, aluminum blanket: approximately 200cm in height, approximately 130cm in width Load capacity (air mat) / 250kg
The inflatable air mattress reduces the stress of sleeping on hard and cold floors. In addition, you can wrap your body in an aluminum blanket and take a rest in case of emergency. Both are big enough for men.
1pc blanket ■Material: 100% polyester (flameproof) *Machine washable *Washing reduces the flameproof effect. ■ Size: Approximately 70cm long, 130cm wide Cushion: Approximately 33cm long, 33cm wide, 8cm thick
It can be used as a fluffy and soft blanket, or as a cushion with a button attached, making it a great addition to your room or office. In case of "what if", it transforms into a head that reduces the impact of falling objects! Flame-retardant processed material that does not spread easily even if sparks fly
1 rucksack ■Materials/polyethylene (non-woven fabric), 100% polyester ■Size/length approx. 37.5cm, width approx. 27cm, width approx. 15.5cm ■Load Capacity/6.5kg
A light backpack that can hold a lot of things can be folded into a small size, so it can be used as a secondary bag for travel. Even if you pack all of the disaster prevention goods this time, they will fit in A3 size, so you can rest assured that you can add water and food and put them in your desk drawer.
1 water tank, 1 pair of work gloves, 1 key chain with whistle ■Materials/Low-density polyethylene, cotton, polyester, steel, etc. ■Size/Water tank (when stored): Length approx. 17cm, Width approx. 17cm, Height approx. 6cm Capacity About 5L Gloves: Women's free size Key ring with whistle: about 13.5cm in height and about 5cm in width
The water tank has a large capacity of 5L. 100% cotton work gloves Made in Japan according to JIS standards. Not only does it protect your hands from glass and debris, but it also helps keep you warm in the winter. The key holder uses a reflective material that lets you know its existence. Always carry along with the whistle!
1pc poncho, 1pc ■Material: 100% polyester (water repellent) Rope: 100% nylon *Hand washable (no dehydration or dryer) ■Size: total length approx. 90cm, snow length approx. 70cm (Women's S to LL compatible) When stored: Approximately 16cm long and 22cm wide Rope: Approximately 200cm long Therefore, it cannot completely withstand heavy rain or prolonged rain. *Cannot be used outdoors as a tent.
A water-repellent poncho that is great for rainy days. As it is a square type, it can be used as a leisure sheet. If you use the included rope, you can use it as a simple tent or tarp. The design is inspired by the constellations.
1 LED dynamo light ■Material: ABS resin Bulb: LED Lithium rechargeable battery: 3.6V 80mAh ■Size/Length approx. 17.5cm, Diameter approx. 6.2cm
A light that can be recharged by turning the handle is a must-have item in the event of a disaster. Since it switches to 3 types of light, it can be used in various ways, such as a flashlight, a lantern that can be hung or placed, and an emergency light that flashes red.
We carefully selected disaster prevention goods under the theme of "Just like a spaceship heading for the earth, let's go home safely in case something happens!" We have prepared items that can be used everyday with an original design inspired by the universe. Prepare for your "what if" in familiar places such as offices and rooms.

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About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • Multiple Subscription

    When subscription products are ordered, they will be ordered based on the number indicated on the product page. 

    * Automatic Continual Order is the same as in the Japanese market. Cancellation of the order is not permitted.
    *Subscription patterns may only be paid using international credit cards. (Do not accept Alipay and Paypal payments)
    *AAdditional quantities of the same product number cannot be accepted during the product order period.

    Multiple Subscription
  • With fund

    A portion of the price will be used as a fund.

    Fund Included
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