Can be used in everyday life! Image training disaster prevention opportunity series (outdoors)


1 set ¥1,428

  • Monthly BOX
  • NEW
  • Just One
  • Fund Included
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MonthlyBOX|ふだんも使える!イメトレ防災 きっかけシリーズ〈アウトドア〉
MonthlyBOX|ふだんも使える!イメトレ防災 きっかけシリーズ〈アウトドア〉|キャンプでも使えるコンパクトな水タンク。3.5Lのたっぷりサイズで、コックをひねると水が出ます。半透明だから、水の残量が見えて便利。バーベキューやキャンプで、水場が遠い時なども活躍します。ふだんから水の汲み置きを習慣にしておけば、断水への備えにも。持ち手付きだから、災害時の給水などにも使いやすい。使わない時は、たたんでおけば省スペース。
MonthlyBOX|ふだんも使える!イメトレ防災 きっかけシリーズ〈アウトドア〉|ドリンクボトルの中にアルミブランケット・ホイッスル・カラビナキーホルダー・LEDハンディライトが入った、ちょこっと防災セット。あったら安心なグッズがコンパクトにまとまっているから、登山・キャンプはもちろん車の中やオフィスの引き出しなどに置いておくのもおすすめです。
MonthlyBOX|ふだんも使える!イメトレ防災 きっかけシリーズ〈アウトドア〉|オリジナルチャック付き袋はギフトバッグにしたいほどのかわいらしさです!(お届けは全6種類中1種類です)
A compact water tank that can also be used for camping. With a generous size of 3.5L, water comes out when you twist the cock. Because it is translucent, it is convenient to see the remaining amount of water. It is also useful for barbecues and camping when the water source is far away. If you make it a habit to draw and put water on a regular basis, you can prepare for a water outage. Since it has a handle, it is easy to use for water supply in the event of a disaster. When not in use, it can be folded to save space.
A little disaster prevention set with an aluminum blanket, whistle, carabiner key holder, and LED handy light in a drink bottle. Goods that are safe to have are compactly organized, so it is recommended not only for mountain climbing and camping, but also for keeping in the car or in the office drawer.
The original zipper bag is so cute that you'll want to use it as a gift bag! (You will receive one of six types)

Size chart

About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • NEW

    This is a newly released item.

  • Just One

    There is only 1 design for this collection. The same product will be delivered upon ordering
    Just One
  • With fund

    A portion of the price will be used as a fund.

    Fund Included
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