The design and color pattern that will be delivered once for Limited Collection is the same.
Reservation products (Multiple Subscription, times entry number of times, Period Subscription) will be delivered with automatically changing the design every month for the number of times of guidance with one order. See here for details.

500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS


1 set per month (20 colors) ¥2,860

  • Monthly BOX
  • Multiple Subscription
  • Made in Japan
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MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|(一回のお届けセット)持ち運びにも便利な、半透明のペンケースに入って届きます。色につけられた名前が一覧でわかる情報カードと、小さなギフトカードにもなるクラフトカードもセット。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|1992年に誕生して以来、世界55ヵ国12万セット以上で愛されている500色の色えんぴつ。第4世代の今作は、世界中のしあわせな情景からインスピレーションを受けた500色!
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|芯は、日本唯一といわれる山梨県甲府市の色芯工場で。木製ボディーは東京の葛飾・荒川で伝統ある町工場や職人さんたちの知恵と技術を結集しました。メイド・イン・ジャパンの誇れる品質です。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|太めの四角ボディに絶妙な角の丸みが、手にしっくり。約3.5mmの太しんは描き心地もなめらか。机の上で転がらないのも嬉しい。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|世界のしあわせな情景からインスピレーションを受けた色名が1本1本に。色となまえ、そして使う人の思い出と重なると、新しいインスピレーションが生まれるかも。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|メイド・イン・ジャパンの誇れる品質です。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|1ケースに入っている20色は、心が弾む25のテーマに沿ってセレクト。美しく並ぶ姿はまるで宝石のよう。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|毎月ガラリと変わる色の印象もぜひお楽しみください。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|情報カードには英語の色名の意訳とえんぴつの線画が。自分だけの色見本のできあがり。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|セットのペーパークラフトは、メッセージカード、ラッピンググッズやモビールなど、届いてすぐに楽しめます。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|500色揃ったら、グラデーションで大作をつくったり、
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|オリジナルのポストカードでお手紙を書いたり、表現は無限大。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|壁に並べて、アートピースにしても。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|国際的なデザイン賞である「Red Dot Design Award 2019(以下、レッドドット・デザイン賞)」のプロダクトデザイン部門で最優秀賞「best of the best(以下、ベスト・オブ・ザ・ベスト)」を受賞しました。
MonthlyBOX|500色の色えんぴつ TOKYO SEEDS|国際的なデザイン賞である「Red Dot Design Award 2019(以下、レッドドット・デザイン賞)」のプロダクトデザイン部門で最優秀賞「best of the best(以下、ベスト・オブ・ザ・ベスト)」を受賞しました。
(Single delivery set) Comes in a translucent pen case that is convenient to carry. An information card with a list of names given to colors and a craft card that can be used as a small gift card are also included.
Since its birth in 1992, 500 colored pencils have been loved by over 120,000 sets in 55 countries around the world. This 4th generation product has 500 colors inspired by happy scenes around the world!
The core is made at the color core factory in Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture, which is said to be the only one in Japan. The wooden body is made by bringing together the wisdom and technology of traditional town factories and craftsmen in Katsushika and Arakawa, Tokyo. Made in Japan quality.
The thick square body and exquisitely rounded corners fit comfortably in your hand. Thickness of about 3.5mm is smooth to draw. I'm also happy that it doesn't roll around on my desk.
Each color name is inspired by happy scenes around the world. New inspiration may be born when colors and names overlap with the memories of the user.
Made in Japan quality.
The 20 colors in one case are selected according to 25 exciting themes. Beautifully lined up like jewels.
Please enjoy the impression of the color that changes every month.
The information card has an English translation of the color name and a line drawing of the pencil. Completion of your own color sample.
The paper crafts in the set can be enjoyed as soon as they arrive, such as message cards, wrapping goods, and mobiles.
Once you have 500 colors, you can create a masterpiece with gradation,
You can write a letter with an original postcard, and the expressions are endless.
Lined up on the wall, even if it's an art piece.
Received the highest award "best of the best" in the product design category of the international design award "Red Dot Design Award 2019" Did.
Received the highest award "best of the best" in the product design category of the international design award "Red Dot Design Award 2019" Did.
  • 500色の色えんぴつSPECIALSITE
  • 500色のグラデーションのレシピ
  • 500cloredencilsInstagram
  • 500色の色えんぴつ関連商品一覧
  • 500色の色えんぴつSPECIALSITE
  • 500色のグラデーションのレシピ
  • 500cloredencilsInstagram
  • 500色の色えんぴつ関連商品一覧

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About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • Multiple Subscription

    When subscription products are ordered, they will be ordered based on the number indicated on the product page. 

    * Automatic Continual Order is the same as in the Japanese market. Cancellation of the order is not permitted.
    *Subscription patterns may only be paid using international credit cards. (Do not accept Alipay and Paypal payments)
    *AAdditional quantities of the same product number cannot be accepted during the product order period.

    Multiple Subscription
  • Made in Japan

    This item is made in Japan.

    Made in Japan
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