iPS cell research support


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merry[フェリシモメリーポイント]|iPS細胞研究支援|2024年夏、フェリシモ基金事務局とメリー編集部で京都にあるiPS細胞研究所におじゃましました。中を見学させていただき、iPS細胞研究の今をお聴きし、未来の可能性を感じたひとときでした。一般公開されているエントランスホールの芳名プレートの中に、フェリシモのなまえも発見! みなさまからの長きにわたってのご支援が目に見えるカタチでディスプレイされていました。
merry[フェリシモメリーポイント]|iPS細胞研究支援|iPS細胞研究所 所長補佐 小山 房男さん 所長 高橋 淳さん 基金室長 池田 恵さん
Explaining to reporters (from left) Research student Ito and Professor Eto
Science communicators in lab coats conducting workshops for children
Activity Report: Experience Event by Science Communicators
Science communicators in lab coats conducting workshops for children
2024年夏、フェリシモ基金事務局とメリー編集部で京都にあるiPS細胞研究所におじゃましました。中を見学させていただき、iPS細胞研究の今をお聴きし、未来の可能性を感じたひとときでした。一般公開されているエントランスホールの芳名プレートの中に、フェリシモのなまえも発見! みなさまからの長きにわたってのご支援が目に見えるカタチでディスプレイされていました。
iPS細胞研究所 所長補佐 小山 房男さん 所長 高橋 淳さん 基金室長 池田 恵さん
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About redeeming Merry Point
●Please check the amount of Merry Point you have before applying. (⇒ How to check the amount of points)
● Merry Point that are scheduled to be issued cannot be exchanged.
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message to everyone

Thank you for your continued understanding of iPS cell research. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the support of many people who have enabled me to continue my iPS cell research. iPS cells are expected to play an important role in realizing regenerative medicine and the development of new drugs. We are currently conducting research with the aim of realizing new treatments using iPS cells for diseases and injuries for which there are no effective treatments. Your support will be used carefully for medical applications and research expenses, for actively recruiting and training excellent researchers who will lead the next generation, and for securing and maintaining intellectual property. We would like to ask for your warm support so that we can deliver medical care using iPS cells to patients and those who support them as soon as possible.
(Jun Takahashi, Director, iPS Cell Research Institute)


from the field of activity

“Cancer Immuno-Regenerative Therapy” Combining iPS Cell Technology and Immunotherapy “Immunotherapy” is a cancer treatment that activates immune cells to attack cancer cells. The Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University is conducting research on "cancer immune regeneration therapy" that combines this immunotherapy and iPS cell technology. Immune cells include T cells and NK cells that attack pathogens and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.In this treatment, these immune cells with enhanced ability to target and attack cancer cells are created from iPS cells and administered to patients. From April 2021, in cooperation with the National Cancer Center Hospital East, a clinical trial for ovarian cancer treatment has started. In the future, we aim to apply this technology to the treatment of various cancers and immune disorders, as well as other diseases.



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