Easy bulk purchase of L'AMIPLUS! Shopping Bag Backpack <Khaki/Jumbo>


1 piece ¥5,390

  • Monthly BOX
  • Just One
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L'AMIPLUS[ラミプリュス]|ラミプリュス 大量買いもらくらく! レジカゴリュック〈カーキ・ジャンボ〉|大量買いもらくらく! レジカゴリュック〈カーキ・ジャンボ〉
L'AMIPLUS[ラミプリュス]|ラミプリュス 大量買いもらくらく! レジカゴリュック〈カーキ・ジャンボ〉|レジカゴにセットすれば入れ替える手間なし。ジャンボサイズだからかさ高い物もすっぽり収納。
L'AMIPLUS[ラミプリュス]|ラミプリュス 大量買いもらくらく! レジカゴリュック〈カーキ・ジャンボ〉|がばっと大きく開いた状態から……。
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Since both hands can be used, a bicycle is also OK.
Easy to buy in bulk! Shopping Bag Backpack <Khaki/Jumbo>
If you set it in the register basket, there is no need to replace it. The jumbo size makes it easy to store bulky items.
From the state where it is wide open ... ....
Squeeze the bag with the strings on both sides and close the zipper at the top.
Even if you set it directly in a shopping cart such as a self-checkout!
When you extend the handle, it becomes a shoulder bag.
Transforms into a colon and a round shoulder bag. It's easy because you can hang it on your shoulder.
Comes with an auxiliary belt that you can hold by hand. * Jumbo only specifications
If you hang it on the headrest, your luggage will not roll over even when you brake or curve.
If you hang it like a hammock, you can carry large items such as outdoor equipment and leisure goods.
[Front] Large snap Pocket.
[Inside] Zipper Pocket.
[Inside] Paste Pocket.
[Back] A snap Pocket that can store a backpack shoulder bag.
Besides shopping, even family trips! A large amount of clothes for everyone is also stored together.
Large enough to hold 12 rolls of toilet paper.
About 1.7 times the size of the regular size!
Since the folded part is longer than the conventional product, luggage that jumps out of the register can be stored.
Even if men use it, it will look stylish!

Size chart

About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • Just One

    There is only 1 design for this collection. The same product will be delivered upon ordering
    Just One
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