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[OEDO・ichimatsu] Beautiful chopsticks made from cedar from Fukui Prefecture <Oedo・ichimatsu>


1 meal per month ¥1,430

  • Monthly BOX
  • NEW
  • Limited Collection
  • Made in Japan
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フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|【OEDO・ichimatsu】福井県産の杉を使った美しいおはし〈お江戸・市松〉の会|「若狭塗」で有名な福井県で生まれた美しいおはし「OEDO ichimatsu」。blue・green・pink・yellow・purple、どの色もきれい。1膳ずつ職人による手塗り仕上げながら、食器洗い機OK。機能性とデザイン性を兼ね備えたおはしでテーブルを彩って。
フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|【OEDO・ichimatsu】福井県産の杉を使った美しいおはし〈お江戸・市松〉の会|ちょっとしたものも捨てずに大切に使っていた時代、江戸時代をオマージュしたという「OEDO ichimatsu(お江戸・市松)」シリーズ。市松模様をアレンジした、ハッとする色づかいが目を惹く愛らしいデザイン。
フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|【OEDO・ichimatsu】福井県産の杉を使った美しいおはし〈お江戸・市松〉の会|【Social Good !(ソーシャル グッド)……地球環境や社会に対して良いインパクトを与えるコト・モノ】森林の環境に配慮された地元、福井県産杉の間伐材を活用したお箸です。持ちやすさ、つまみやすさは、人の手を知りつくした箸職人の緻密な手仕事によるもの。長い歴史をもつお箸の産地の気配りがすみずみに息づいています。それでいて扱いやすいよう、現代の暮らしに合わせて伝統をアップデート。。何層もの塗りと研ぎを重ねる伝技法をベースにしながら、漆にかわって食洗機対応のポリエステルウレタンを使用し、職人が手塗り。伝統を守りつつ、機能的で扱いやすく進化。現代的な表現で仕上げています。フーズノートでは【Social Good !】なプロジェクトやプロダクトをどんどん案内、応援していきたいと思います。お楽しみに!
"OEDO Ichimatsu" is a beautiful pair of chopsticks made in Fukui Prefecture, famous for its "Wakasa lacquerware." All colors are beautiful: blue, green, pink, yellow, and purple. Each pair is hand-painted by a craftsman, and dishwasher safe. Decorate your table with chopsticks that combine functionality and design.
The "OEDO ichimatsu" series is a homage to the Edo period, a time when people treasured even the smallest things and didn't throw them away. The eye-catching and adorable design features a checkered pattern and striking colors.
Made of cedar, it is light and easy to use. The tips of the chopsticks have anti-slip properties. They are also dishwasher safe.
A unique design that allows you to enjoy the grain of the wood and feel the texture of Fukui cedar.
Comes in a ready-to-give package, perfect as a gift.
The material used is thinned wood from local Fukui cedar trees.
Skilled craftsmen carve each pair individually, following the traditional wooden shape of Wakasa lacquer chopsticks.
[Social Good! ... things and actions that have a positive impact on the global environment and society] These chopsticks are made from thinned cedar from Fukui Prefecture, a local area that is considerate of the forest environment. The ease of holding and picking up is due to the meticulous handiwork of chopstick craftsmen who are well acquainted with the human hand. The attention to detail of the chopsticks' long history of production is evident in every detail. And yet, to make them easier to use, the tradition has been updated to suit modern life. Based on the traditional technique of applying multiple layers of paint and sharpening, dishwasher-safe polyester urethane is used instead of lacquer, and craftsmen hand-paint them. While preserving tradition, they have evolved to be functional and easy to use. Finished with a modern expression. At Who's Note, we would like to introduce and support more and more projects and products that are [Social Good!]. Stay tuned!

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  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • NEW

    This is a newly released item.

  • Limited Collection

    The number of products in the collection is shown in the symbol. The collection is complete when all the products are delivered.

    ※ Unlike the Japanese market, there is no Automatic Continual Order. One different colors or designs in the Collection is delivered upon the order.
    After receiving the product, you can place an order again to collect a different design from the series.
    ※ Please leave the order of delivery to FELISSIMO.

    Limited Collection
  • Made in Japan

    This item is made in Japan.

    Made in Japan
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