

One set ¥1,188

  • Monthly BOX
  • NEW
  • One-pattern
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フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|イギリスの人気紅茶ブランド【CLIPPER】オーガニックハーブティー人気の5種類セット〈ティーバッグ2個〉の会|イギリスを代表する紅茶ブランド【CLIPPER】クリッパーは、1984年にイギリスのドーセットにある紅茶のマスターテイスターである、”マイク&ロレーヌ・ブリーム”の最高品質アッサムティーからスタートしました。 イギリス市場で初めてオーガニックの紅茶を取り入れ、1994年には国内初のフェアトレード認証を受け、最近では美食の国際大会「グレイトテイストアワード」を始め、数々の国際的な賞を受賞するなど、世界中で愛される紅茶ブランドです。また、フェアトレード認証を受けた世界有数のフェアトレードティーとしても知られています。主に、インド、スリランカ、アフリカにある茶園で生産されており、長年茶葉の生産者と家族を支援しています。
フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|イギリスの人気紅茶ブランド【CLIPPER】オーガニックハーブティー人気の5種類セット〈ティーバッグ2個〉の会|【Social Good !(ソーシャル グッド)……地球環境や社会に対して良いインパクトを与えるコト・モノ】クリッパーのハーブティーは、有機栽培された原材料を使用。有機JAS認証マーク付き商品です。また、人工的な漂白剤を使用しない無漂白ティーバックを使用しており、中身同様にパッケージにも環境に配慮した取り組みが。かわいくておいしいだけじゃない、人と環境にやさしいブランドだから世界中で愛されているんですね。
The box is cute, but the individual tea bag packaging is also irresistibly adorable. This is herbal tea made with organic ingredients. It comes in an assortment of five popular flavors.
●This is a one-time delivery set. It contains 4 of each of the 5 types of herbal tea: [Berry Burst], [Chamomile & Peach], [Lemon & Ginger], [Snore & Peace], and [Licorice & Peppermint], for a total of 20 teas!
Enjoy with a snack or lunch.
Attach it to a gift or letter.
*We use unbleached tea bags that do not contain artificial bleaching agents. The packaging is as environmentally friendly as the contents.
CLIPPER, Britain's leading tea brand, started in 1984 with the highest quality Assam tea from Mike and Lorraine Bream, master tea tasters in Dorset, England. We were the first to introduce organic black tea into the British market, and in 1994 we were the first in Japan to receive Fair Trade certification.We have recently won numerous international awards, including the Great Taste Award, an international gastronomy competition. It is a beloved tea brand. It is also known as one of the world's leading fair trade certified teas. Produced primarily in tea estates located in India, Sri Lanka and Africa, it has been supporting tea growers and families for many years.
[Social Good! ... things and actions that have a positive impact on the global environment and society] Clipper's herbal teas are made using organically grown ingredients. They are JAS organic certified products. They also use unbleached tea bags that do not contain artificial bleaching agents, and the packaging, like the contents, is environmentally friendly. They are not only cute and delicious, but they are also loved all over the world because they are a brand that is kind to people and the environment.

*Due to FDA, FSA, and customs regulations, this product may not be available for purchase in some countries or regions. From September 7, 2023, all food products will not be able to pass through customs in China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

*Due to FDA, FSA, and customs regulations, this product may not be available for purchase in some countries or regions. From September 7, 2023, all food products will not be able to pass through customs in China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

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About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • NEW

    This is a newly released item.

  • One-pattern

    There is only 1 design for this collection. The same product will be delivered upon ordering

    ※Unlike the Japanese market, there is no Automatic Continual Order. After receiving the product, you can place an order again to collect a different design from the series.

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