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Reservation products (Multiple Subscription, times entry number of times, Period Subscription) will be delivered with automatically changing the design every month for the number of times of guidance with one order. See here for details.



1 per month ¥990

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フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|【福コチャエ】包んで完成する小さな開運風呂敷の会|【ししまい・泥棒】 無病息災を祈る獅子舞と泥棒との大変身が楽しい。 お弁当包みするとピッタリ顔が現れます。
フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|【福コチャエ】包んで完成する小さな開運風呂敷の会|【Social Good !(ソーシャル グッド)……地球環境や社会に対して良いインパクトを与えるコト・モノ】LOVE Culture・LOVE Story……フーズノートは「進化する伝統・文化」にも注目。とても素晴らしい文化を私たちは持っている(いた)のに、なくなりかけていることにハッとする。作り手には、今の暮らしに合うものに進化させてもらいながら。使い手は、“知る”を楽しみながら。素敵な日本の伝統や文化をみんなで大切に守っていきたい、と思うのです。包む、という風呂敷文化+伝統モチーフを【コチャエ】の感性で深掘り。「包む」は「結ぶ」ともセットであり中身によって形が変わる。そして、包んで結ぶことで完成するという発想から生まれた【福コチャエ】は奥深く、もはやアートであり、さらに、新しい民芸なのでは? とさえ思っています。立体としても楽しめる古くて新しい風呂敷。楽しい!
フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|【福コチャエ】包んで完成する小さな開運風呂敷の会|【COCHAE( コチャエ)】“あそびのデザイン”をテーマに活動するデザイン・ユニット。グラフィック折紙の制作ほか、新しい視点を持った玩具や商品企画、展示やワークショップなど 幅広い活動を行っている。※フーズノート店主Fuは、コチャエを10年以上追っかけている、コチャエの大ファン!ユニークなだけでなく、民芸を愛する心や知性にあふれていて楽しいこの風呂敷をご案内できて、本当にうれしいです!
Furoshiki is free. The possibilities of furoshiki are endless. A world full of intelligence and humor born from a 48cm square. I never knew "wrapping" could be so much fun... I'm so touched.
[Daruma] No matter how many times you fall, you always get up. It is a lucky charm that prays for good health, safety in the home, etc.
[Daruma] You can enjoy four daruma dolls with one sheet. It is recommended to wrap cylindrical objects or bottles such as plastic bottles.
[Kabuki] The hero "Sukeroku" and "Benkei" from the popular play "Kanjincho." A pop expression of the traditional art of Kabuki.
[Kabuki] You can enjoy two designs, "Sukeroku" (left) and "Benkei" (right), in one piece.
[Shishimai/Thief] It's fun to watch the transformation from a lion dance praying for good health to a thief. When you wrap it in a lunch box, the perfect face appears.
Whatever you wrap, whether it's a square, round, or oval, it will all fit nicely and look great.
[Okame and Hyottoko] Okame, known as "Otafuku," brings good fortune. Hyottoko, who brings luck through laughter. Also a symbol of marital harmony.
The polka dots really make it look like you're wearing a bean-dyed tenugui. Great.
[Lucky cat] If it has its right hand raised, it will bring money, and if it has its left hand raised, it will bring people. It is a symbol of "prosperity in business."
The 48cm square size means you can wrap quite large items.
It also looks cute when wrapped around round boxes or cans.
[Mount Fuji] The motifs of Mt. Fuji and turtles and Red Fuji and cranes can be enjoyed in two different patterns, each with a different impression.
It can be used like a small bag.
It will be delivered wrapped in a paper band like this. Instructions on how to wrap it are also included!
[Social Good! ... Things and events that have a positive impact on the global environment and society] LOVE Culture, LOVE Story... Who's Note also focuses on "evolving traditions and cultures". We have (had) such wonderful cultures, but it is shocking that they are disappearing. The makers evolve them to fit our current lifestyles. The users enjoy "learning". We want everyone to cherish and protect the wonderful Japanese traditions and culture. We delve deep into the furoshiki culture of wrapping + traditional motifs with the sensibility of [Kochae]. "Wrapping" is also a set with "tying" and the shape changes depending on the contents. And [Fuku Kochae], born from the idea of completing something by wrapping and tying, is profound, and is already art, and even a new folk art? I even think so. An old and new furoshiki that can be enjoyed as a three-dimensional object. Fun!
[COCHAE] A design unit that works on the theme of "play design". In addition to producing graphic origami, they are involved in a wide range of activities, including toys and product planning with a new perspective, exhibitions and workshops. *Fu, the owner of Who's Note, is a big fan of COCHAE, having followed them for over 10 years! I am really happy to be able to introduce this furoshiki, which is not only unique but also full of love for folk art and intelligence and is fun to use!
[Musubi] is a Kyoto-based brand of furoshiki specialists that is passionate about making furoshiki, with the mission of continuing to convey Japan's "furoshiki culture" as a living, ever-evolving culture. They respect tradition while creating furoshiki that fit modern life, and are working to develop furoshiki with new sensibilities and promote furoshiki, including original and humorous designs in addition to traditional patterns. I want to continue to see the "new challenges" that are put into each piece of cloth.
The gauze material is firm yet soft, and it's easy to tie. Great.
[Japan's ancient "wrapping culture"] The history of "furoshiki" is long, and it seems that cloth for wrapping treasures (like the prototype of furoshiki) already existed in the Nara period. Later, in the Edo period, common people also began to wrap their clothes and other things in cloth when going to public baths, and the cloth came to be called "furoshiki", and it became an essential item in daily life for peddling, traveling, and storing things at home.
[Praying, celebrating, gratitude, love...the "culture of wrapping the heart" will continue] In addition to its practicality and functionality of carrying and protecting, wrapping gifts in furoshiki and handing them over as is allows you to enjoy the act of "giving and receiving" to the fullest. Congratulations, thank you. Wrapping your feelings for the other person in a furoshiki is a wonderful way to convey that feeling.
Just by looking at the color scheme, you can intuitively tell it's "Kabuki." Traditional culture and traditional performing arts are amazing.
The inside can be square, round, or oval, and each one has a nice feel. They are all funny. I recommend wrapping a gift in the furoshiki and giving it as a present.

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  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • Limited Collection

    The number of products in the collection is shown in the symbol. The collection is complete when all the products are delivered.

    ※ Unlike the Japanese market, there is no Automatic Continual Order. One different colors or designs in the Collection is delivered upon the order.
    After receiving the product, you can place an order again to collect a different design from the series.
    ※ Please leave the order of delivery to FELISSIMO.

    Limited Collection
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