1/d FOR WET AREA Antifungal Tape Association


Price ¥638

  • Monthly BOX
  • One-pattern
  • Discount
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フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|1/d FOR WET AREA 防カビテープの会|幅広テープは貼りやすく、すき間もしっかりガード
フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|1/d FOR WET AREA 防カビテープの会|カビの繁殖を抑制する防カビ成分を配合しているテープ。
フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|1/d FOR WET AREA 防カビテープの会|ホコリがたまりやすい浴室の出入り口に
フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|1/d FOR WET AREA 防カビテープの会|手が届きにくいお風呂の壁と天井のすき間に
フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|1/d FOR WET AREA 防カビテープの会|テープの中央に折り線が入っているから、コーナーにも。
フェリシモの雑貨Kraso[クラソ]|1/d FOR WET AREA 防カビテープの会|インテリアにもなじむパッケージ
The wide tape is easy to apply and securely guards gaps.
A tape containing an antifungal ingredient that suppresses the growth of mold.
At the doorway of the bathroom where dust tends to accumulate
For hard-to-reach gaps between walls and ceilings in bathrooms
There is a fold line in the center of the tape, so it can also be used in corners.
A package that fits well into the interior

Categories containing this item

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About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • One-pattern

    There is only 1 design for this collection. The same product will be delivered upon ordering

    ※Unlike the Japanese market, there is no Automatic Continual Order. After receiving the product, you can place an order again to collect a different design from the series.

  • special offer

    It is an item that you can purchase at a great price.

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