privacy policy

FELISSIMO personal information protection philosophy

FELISSIMO aims to create a happy society through its business activities, and is developing a business that creates various products, services, and projects and delivers them to society and customers. For us, the personal information we obtain from our customers is extremely important to support FELISSIMO 's activities. FELISSIMO and FELISSIMO Group companies (in principle, consolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies of FELISSIMO Co., Ltd.) believe that FELISSIMO safe and appropriate management of personal information is the basis of our business activities and our social responsibility. We hereby declare that we will establish, implement, and maintain a "Personal Information Protection Policy."

FELISSIMO Privacy Policy

FELISSIMO will comply with laws and regulations regarding the handling of personal information, guidelines established by the government, other norms, and internal regulations regarding the handling of personal information handled in all businesses and personal information of employees, etc. Furthermore, we have established a personal information protection management system and strive to protect personal information.

  1. When acquiring and using personal information, we will specify the purpose of use and will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use (use for other purposes). In addition, we will take appropriate management measures to prevent personal information from being used for other purposes.
  2. We will not provide acquired personal information to third parties unless we have the consent of the individual or as required by law.
  3. If we receive a request for disclosure or consultation regarding the handling of personal information we hold, we will respond appropriately and in good faith.
  4. In order to appropriately manage personal information, we will take organizational, human, physical, and technical security control measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information. Additionally, if any of these issues occur, we will take corrective measures without delay.
  5. In light of changes in social conditions and the environment, we will continually review our personal information protection management system and improve our efforts to protect personal information.

Publication matters based on the "Personal Information Protection Act"

FELISSIMO manages personal information safely and appropriately in accordance with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and other laws and regulations (hereinafter referred to as "Laws, etc."). FELISSIMO will announce the following matters based on laws and regulations.

Purpose of use of personal information

FELISSIMO uses acquired personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and email address for the following purposes. We will not use your information for purposes other than the intended purpose, except with prior consent or exemptions based on laws and regulations. If personal information is to be used for purposes other than those listed below, we will obtain the consent of the person concerned.

①Personal information of those who have registered as members of FELISSIMO (customers)
  1. Fulfillment of application matters, such as ordering, delivery, and payment processing of FELISSIMO products and services, and subsequent management.
  2. Sending catalogs, free samples, direct mail, etc. introducing products and services of FELISSIMO and FELISSIMO group companies
  3. Sending catalogs, free samples, direct mail, etc. of other companies that FELISSIMO deems appropriate
  4. Development, improvement and sales promotion of products and services
  5. Creating statistical data in a state where individuals cannot be identified for the purpose of marketing research, understanding social trends, etc.
  6. Execution of operations and services entrusted to FELISSIMO
  7. Credit management, collection management, and receivables management regarding transactions with FELISSIMO
  8. Responses to opinions and inquiries
②Personal information of those who use or participate in FELISSIMO 's businesses, events, promotion plans, etc.
  1. Management of business, events, promotional plans, etc., communication, responses, and sending of materials, etc.
  2. Sending catalogs, free samples, direct mail, etc. introducing FELISSIMO products and services
  3. Sending catalogs, free samples, direct mail, etc. of FELISSIMO Group companies and other companies as deemed appropriate by FELISSIMO
  4. Development, improvement and sales promotion of products and services
③Personal information of those who participated in FELISSIMO 's various communication projects (questionnaires, interviews, roundtable discussions, fitting sessions, etc.)
  1. Management of various communication plans, communications, responses, and sending of materials, etc.
  2. Sending catalogs, free samples, direct mail, etc. introducing FELISSIMO products and services
  3. Sending catalogs, free samples, direct mail, etc. of FELISSIMO Group companies and other companies as deemed appropriate by FELISSIMO
  4. Development, improvement and sales promotion of products and services
  5. Creating statistical data in a state where individuals cannot be identified for the purpose of marketing research, understanding social trends, etc.
④Personal information of those who have received inquiries, opinions, and impressions
  1. Responses to inquiries, opinions, and impressions
  2. Investigate and confirm the content of inquiries, opinions, and impressions
  3. Product development, service improvement, and sales promotion

Providing personal information

FELISSIMO will not disclose personal information to a third party for reasons other than listed below:

  1. When prior consent is obtained from the person in question
  2. If based on the Regulations
  3. When there is an urgent need to protect a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
  4. When entrusting all or part of the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use
  5. In the case of business succession such as joint venture, etc. personal information will be disclosed to the new entity.
  6. In cases where it is necessary for a national agency, local government, or a person entrusted by them to cooperate in carrying out matters stipulated by laws and regulations, obtaining the consent of the person concerned will interfere with the execution of the affairs. If there is a risk of

Consignment of personal information

FELISSIMO may disclose personal information it collects to third parties to complete its intended purposes. If Felissimo determines to use a consignee, FELISSIMO will enter into an agreement to protect the security of personal information, and appropriately manage and oversee it in the course of its business.

Retention of personal information

FELISSIMO will keep personal data accurate and up-to-date to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose. In addition, we will set a retention period for each type of personal information we hold, taking into account the purpose of use, etc. When the storage period has expired or the purpose of use has ended and the information is no longer needed, it must be disposed of in an appropriate manner or anonymized so that it cannot be recovered, so that no further processing is performed. will do so.

Security management measures for personal information

When handling personal information, FELISSIMO will take necessary and appropriate security control measures in line with current technological standards to prevent accidents such as unauthorized access, falsification, and leakage. These safety management measures include the establishment of internal regulations regarding the handling of personal information, organizational management such as regular inventory of personal information, regular education training and awareness activities for employees, etc., and physical safety management. This includes implementation of measures (room entry/exit control, terminal management, etc.), encryption of communications, strict access control, regular vulnerability management of information systems, etc.

Disclosure, change, suspension of use, etc. of personal information

Regarding personal information held by FELISSIMO, we will promptly take steps to disclose, change, suspend use, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc."), except in the following cases.
  1. If you cannot confirm your identity
  2. The minimally necessary information for business operation is lacking.
  3. If it harms the rights and interests of other customers or third parties.
  4.  If FELISSIMO determines inappropriateness for any other reasons.
Fees may be charged for procedures such as disclosure.
③For inquiries regarding the disclosure of personal information, etc., please contact the personal information inquiry desk below.

[Personal Information Inquiry Desk] FELISSIMO Customer Service (GLOBAL)
Inquiries regarding the personal information of "non-Japanese (GLOBAL) members" are accepted using the "Inquiry Form" on this site.


①Revision of privacy policy
FELISSIMO may change its privacy policy without prior notice in order to more appropriately manage the personal information it has acquired.
②About kana processing information
Pseudonymized information is information that has been processed so that a specific individual cannot be identified unless compared with other information.
FELISSIMO creates pseudonymized information in accordance with the standards set by the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, takes necessary security measures, and uses it only within the company.
We will not provide pseudonymized information to third parties except in cases based on laws and regulations.
③About anonymously processed information
Anonymously processed information is information that has been processed so that a specific individual cannot be identified, making it impossible to restore the original personal information.
FELISSIMO may create anonymously processed information in accordance with the standards set by the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, and will use it after taking necessary security control measures.
When creating anonymously processed information, the ``items included'' will be announced in advance, and when providing it to a third party, the ``provision method'' will be announced in advance.
④About personal information (cookies, etc.)
Personally related information is information that does not fall under personal information, pseudonymized information, or anonymously processed information, such as cookies, IP addresses, identifiers such as device-specific IDs and advertising IDs, and log information related to Internet usage. is applicable.
The information obtained by cookies does not include "information that can identify a specific individual."
Please see here for information on how cookies work, detailed explanations, specific content acquired, use and provision of cookie information, interest/behavioral targeting advertising, and opt-out (invalidation of cookies).
FELISSIMO may indirectly obtain personal information (cookies, etc.) from a third party other than the person himself/herself, and may use this information in conjunction with the personal information that he or she already owns.
About SSL (encrypted communication function)
FELISSIMO has introduced SSL (encrypted communication function) to prevent personal information from being read by third parties.
When entering and transmitting personal information on FELISSIMO website, the content is encrypted and protected by SSL.
*Please use a recommended browser that supports SSL communication.

Personal information handling business company name and personal information protection manager

FELISSIMO Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Manager

Establishment date: July 1, 2004
Last revised date: September 1, 2023

Special Provision (Regarding GDPR)

Special Provisions (Regarding GDPR)

If you register as a member of Felissimo Global from a EU country, you are a target of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and please read the following content.

  1. Once you registered in our site (as a member of FELISSIMO Global), it implies that you agree your personal data to be transferred to other countries in which the Personal Data Ordinance may not be the same as that in your own country. FELISSIMO complies with the applicable regulations and carries out proper measures in order to protect the personal data of the site users (member of FELISSIMO Global).
  2. Regardless of any content listed above, to purchase products and enjoy services at our site, you must be 16 years old or above. Those who are under 16 should ask parents or guardian to use the site on behalf of them.
  3. FELISSIMO complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR)and appoints Data Protection Officer and EU representative.
    Contact of Data Protection Officer (DPO):
    Contact of EU representative:
  4. FELISSIMO complies with the applicable regulation, makes sure there is no abuse or leakage of personal data of the site users (members of FELISSIMO Global), and maintains the correctness of all personal data. When accessing and transferring the personal data, we encrypt the data and set data access restrictions. Only the essential people who perform the relative tasks will be allowed to manage the data.
《Regarding the use of Cookies and Opt-out》

Felissimo and our engaged internet service providers (including marketing, analyzing, CS support partners) use cookies or similar tools to collect the browsing statistics of our site. Felissimo may get those statistic reports from the providers in terms of individual data and aggregated data.

If you access our site with a browser permitting cookies, this implies you want to use the services of our site and agree FELISSIMO to use cookies in order to provide services from the site.

FELISSIMO uses several categories of cookies for different functions like Shopping Bag, Favorite List and My Page. You can control the use of cookies in the browser setting or operating system. Please note that by disabling certain categories of cookies, some functions and features may not be available.

FELISSIMO contracts with service providers to place ads on websites owned by third parties. FELISSIMO and advertising partners may use cookies to collect your browsing history in order to deliver interest-based content and advertisements to you. If you do not want us to use your information in this field, please click here and we will stop delivering the interest-based ads (IBA) to you.

Please note that only IBA will be stopped. Other advertisements will be displayed as usual.

The Japanese version of this declaration shall prevail wherever there is discrepancy between the Japanese and English versions.