The design and color pattern that will be delivered once for Limited Collection is the same.
Reservation products (Multiple Subscription, times entry number of times, Period Subscription) will be delivered with automatically changing the design every month for the number of times of guidance with one order. See here for details.

el:ment 綿100%起毛 伝統を愉(たの)しむきれい見えモダンもんぺパンツの会


Price ¥6,820

  • Monthly BOX
  • Limited Collection


  • M
  • L
  • LL
  • 3L

Choose a size

Choose a size

Choose a color / pattern

Choose a size

Choose a size

Choose a size

Choose a color / pattern

Choose a size

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el:ment[エルメント]|el:ment 綿100%起毛 伝統を愉(たの)しむきれい見えモダンもんぺパンツの会
el:ment[エルメント]|el:ment 綿100%起毛 伝統を愉(たの)しむきれい見えモダンもんぺパンツの会|〈アッシュグレー〉
el:ment[エルメント]|el:ment 綿100%起毛 伝統を愉(たの)しむきれい見えモダンもんぺパンツの会|〈ダークネイビー〉
el:ment[エルメント]|el:ment 綿100%起毛 伝統を愉(たの)しむきれい見えモダンもんぺパンツの会|〈アイボリー〉
el:ment[エルメント]|el:ment 綿100%起毛 伝統を愉(たの)しむきれい見えモダンもんぺパンツの会|表は微起毛、裏は起毛の、ほんのりあたたかなコットン100%生地。
el:ment[エルメント]|el:ment 綿100%起毛 伝統を愉(たの)しむきれい見えモダンもんぺパンツの会|すそはゴムではなくダーツ仕立てに。
el:ment[エルメント]|el:ment 綿100%起毛 伝統を愉(たの)しむきれい見えモダンもんぺパンツの会|ウエストフロントはインをしてもさまになるすっきり仕様。
el:ment[エルメント]|el:ment 綿100%起毛 伝統を愉(たの)しむきれい見えモダンもんぺパンツの会|サイドからのシルエットもふんわりきれいな印象。
el:ment[エルメント]|el:ment 綿100%起毛 伝統を愉(たの)しむきれい見えモダンもんぺパンツの会|バックスタイルのすそにもダーツ入り。後ろ姿もすっきりと。
el:ment[エルメント]|el:ment 綿100%起毛 伝統を愉(たの)しむきれい見えモダンもんぺパンツの会
<Ash Gray>
<Dark navy>
The fabric is 100% cotton, slightly brushed on the front and brushed on the back for a soft, warm feel.
The hem is made with darts instead of elastic.
The front waist is designed to be neat and tidy even when tucked in.
The silhouette from the side also gives a soft and beautiful impression.
There are darts at the back hem for a neat look from behind.


Size chart

■ SizeMLLL3L
Waist (cm)64~7069~7777~8585~93
Height (cm)154~162154~162154~162154~162
Cross width (approx./cm)35.537.339.141.2
Front or upper length (about /cm)33.534.836.137.5
In addition, lower length (approximately /cm)62626262

About this item

  • Monthly BOX

    Orders are usually delivered within 3-4 weeks.
    Monthly BOX
  • Limited Collection

    The number of products in the collection is shown in the symbol. The collection is complete when all the products are delivered.

    ※ Unlike the Japanese market, there is no Automatic Continual Order. One different colors or designs in the Collection is delivered upon the order.
    After receiving the product, you can place an order again to collect a different design from the series.
    ※ Please leave the order of delivery to FELISSIMO.

    Limited Collection
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